In a blow to the hopes of franchise fans, the original creators of Avatar: The…
Risk of Rain 2 got its 1.0 patch today, which includes some significant additions to…
The gaming community has long awaited any scrap of news regarding the release dates for…
343 Industries studio head Chris Lee has released a brief statement through the official Halo…
Click to watch embedded media After spending time in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, operative Sam Fisher…
The highly anticipated sequel to cult hit Vampire: The Masquerade is getting pushed back to 2021. Today,…
The Coolest Pokémon Sword & Shield – Darkness Ablaze Cards We Pulled From Booster Packs
by Brian Sheaby Brian SheaWith the release of Pokémon Sword & Shield on Switch last year, the Pokémon Trading…
Chipotle surprised the world today by announcing the Tony Hawk Burrito. What exactly goes into…