Click here to watch embedded media Behaviour Interactive’s asymmetrical 4v1 survival game, Dead By Daylight…
Funko continues to explore video games in fun and unexpected ways. The toy manufacturer’s next…
Indie Game NewsNewsZ_AD
Mortal Shell Will Have A Solid Summer Presence
by Ashley Diasby Ashley DiasMortal Shell is the recently announced Action RPG game developed Cold Symmetry and published by…
Check Out This Rare Footage Of Steven Spielberg’s Cancelled Alien Game, LMNO
by Ben Reevesby Ben ReevesIn the mid-2000s EA and Spielberg announced a three-game collaboration. The Jenga-style puzzle game Boom…
Digital subscribers of Game Informer can now read our cover story on Wasteland 3. Following the cover reveal…
For many gamers, the combination of Xbox Game Pass and Games With Gold offers a…
Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human & Beyond: Two Souls Coming To Steam
by Matthew Katoby Matthew KatoDeveloper Quantic Dream has announced that titles Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human…
Madden NFL developer/publisher Electronic Arts and the NFL are expected to renew their exclusive deal for…
FeaturedFeatured StreamerNewsZ_AD
Lilabobina | May 2020 Featured Streamer
by Ashley Diasby Ashley DiasThis month we are featuring Lilabobina as our Featured Streamer of the Month. She is…
SQUARE ENIX has announced a monthly broadcast for their upcoming RPG-Shooter, OUTRIDERS, which will dive…