Game Freak Issues Statement on Recent Hack

by Ashley Dias
Game Freak Issues Statement on Recent Hack 1

Following the significant hack that exposed sensitive internal information, Game Freak has responded with an official statement. They confirmed that internal data related to their development projects, including source code and information about future Pokémon games, was leaked. While they did not elaborate on the specifics of the content exposed, such as Pokémon Generation 10 or the MMO project, they expressed their deep regret over the situation and the potential impact on the company and its fans.

Game Freak assured the community that they are working hard to investigate the breach and enhance their security measures to prevent such incidents in the future. They emphasized their commitment to protecting their intellectual property and the integrity of their ongoing projects. Additionally, they are collaborating with legal authorities to address the issue and mitigate any further risks.

In light of this statement, it’s clear that while Game Freak is addressing the situation, there’s still much they are withholding until they have a better handle on the extent of the damage. Fans are eager to hear more about the future of Pokémon, but for now, Game Freak is focused on managing the aftermath of this unfortunate event.

The statement is as following:

Notice and apology regarding the leak of personal information following unauthorized access
Game Freak Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Satoshi Tajiri; hereinafter referred to as “our company”) has discovered that personal information of employees and others was leaked in connection with unauthorized access to our server by a third party in August 2024. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and concern caused to all involved.

  1. Leaked personal information
Personal data regarding our employees, etc.
Items: Name, company email address
Number of items: 2,606,
*Our employees and contract workers (including former employees and ex-employees)
  2. Responses to individuals whose personal information has been leaked
We are contacting the affected employees individually. For those who cannot be contacted individually due to resignation or other reasons, we will notify them through this announcement and set up a contact point to respond to inquiries regarding this matter.
  3. Measures to prevent recurrence
We have already rebuilt and inspected the server, and will strive to prevent recurrence by further strengthening our security measures.
  4. Inquiries regarding this matter
If you are affected by this matter, please contact the following office for inquiries:
[Inquiry form]

Translation provided by Nintendo Everything

While this is a serious issue, Game Freak’s quick response and transparency in addressing the situation show their commitment to resolving the problem and improving security going forward. Stay tuned to Level Up for updates as this story develops!

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