Reader Discussion – Which Indie Studio Would You Want To Make A Zelda Game?

by Suriel Vazquez
Reader Discussion – Which Indie Studio Would You Want To Make A Zelda Game? 2

With the recent Cadence of Hyrule making waves and the Cuphead developers saying they’d love to make a Zelda game, Zelda spinoff fever might be at an all-time high. So we want to know: which Indie developer would you want to make a Zelda spinoff?

Personally, I’d like to see Wargroove developer Chucklefish take a crack at making a Legend of Zelda tactics game. Where Wargroove borrowed from Advance Wars, their Zelda spinoff could borrow more from Fire Emblem, giving players a more retro game in the vein of the series’ arrival in the West on the Game Boy Advance. Along with Link and Zelda, players could take control of other races like the Goron, Deku, and Zora. Lots of characters from throughout the series could make an appearance, too. The more fan service the better!

But that’s just me. What kind of game would like to see Zelda turn into? A Limbo-style platformer? A monster hunting and cooking show like Battle Chef Brigade? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Game Informer

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