The Many Accessibility Features In The Last Of Us Part II

by Joe Juba
The Many Accessibility Features In The Last Of Us Part II 2

Not everyone is able to play through a game using its default settings, which is why it is important for developers to keep the diversity of their audience – including players with disabilities – in mind. On the PlayStation Blog today, Naughty Dog’s lead systems designer Matthew Gallant runs through the array of customizable accessibility features included in The Last of Us Part II to help more players enjoy the game from start to finish.   

“The Last of Us Part II features more than 60 accessibility settings,” Gallant says. “With expanded options focused on fine-motor and hearing, as well as completely new features that benefit low-vision and blind players.”

The full list of options in The Last of Us Part II is both long and impressive, so we won’t go through them here. Click the link for the blog post to learn about the many different settings, along with descriptions of how they effect the game.  

For more about The Last of Us Part II, read our recent (and spoiler-free) hands-on impressions, plus our interview with creative director Neil Druckmann. If you want to learn more about the fight for accessibility in gaming, read this feature on the topic, as well as this opinion piece from DAGERSystem’s Josh Straub.

Source: Game Informer

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