Last week we got some new trailers, new game announcements, some reviews and more. Gaming news is definitely starting to “Heat” up.
Now let’s rewind to last week…

- • New Final Fantasy VII Trailer gives us a glimpse of the Turks and other goodies. Is it March already?!
- • Pesterquest Vol. 1 & 2 get a review! We are excited to review this game in it’s entirety.
- • We get another look at The Sojourn’s game play. And yes, we are even more hype!

- • KFC is making a dating game where you can… date Colonel Sanders. Not quite sure who even asked for this…
- The scariest thing about PT has been revealed. And we are still spooked by it…
- Apple Arcade is launching this week starting at $5/month. This is a new venture for Apple and one we will def keep our eye on.
Missed out on last week’s rewind? No worries you can catch up right here!