Hot off the heels of unbanning one of their more controversial streamers, Twitch followed up today with news of a feature for Twitch partners and affiliates. While previously Twitch streams were available to anyone with certain perks like emotes being available to subscribers, the streaming service is now introducing subscriber streams, which let streamers do private shows for paying customers.
Called Subscriber Streams, this allows for affiliates and partners to create a stream that only subscribers can access. Those who aren’t subscribers can see a small timed preview, but can’t interact with the stream in any way until or unless they subscribe. The single caveat seems to be that you cannot have been suspended by Twitch within 90 broadcast days of doing the stream. So, don’t film in bathrooms and then immediately schedule a private stream, I guess.
As Twitch Prime allows subscribers to use a free monthly subscription on any channel, those can also be used to unlock your way into subscriber streams. VODs, which are recorded broadcasts that streamers can make viewable on their own, are still locked to subscribers if the original stream was subscriber-only.
Source: Game Informer