Which House Did You Pick In Fire Emblem: Three Houses And Why?

by Kimberley Wallace
Which House Did You Pick In Fire Emblem: Three Houses And Why? 3

Fire Emblem: Three Houses has now been out for a week. If you’ve assumed your role as professor, you’ve also inherited the hefty decision about which of the three houses (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, or Golden Deer) you want to spearhead. We want to know who you picked and why. 

It’s actually a fascinating question, as everyone has their reasons for going with one over the other. Maybe you loved the take-charge attitude of The Black Eagles’ Edelgard, or you wanted someone a little less intense and more laid back so you picked Claude. Perhaps, you didn’t care for any of the leaders and instead based your decision off the various student personalities in each house. No matter what, you probably already have your favorites and have a desire to defend your choice. That’s where this reader discussion comes in! Let us know in the comments below which house won out for you and how you made your decision. Also, don’t be afraid to talk about how you’re enjoying the game, just keep things spoiler-free.

Which House Did You Pick In Fire Emblem: Three Houses And Why? 4

As for me, my first playthrough I picked the Black Eagles, mainly because I thought Edelgard seemed like a classy and ambitious lady. I almost picked the Golden Deer because I thought the members of that house seemed more interesting. I’m now in my second playthrough and finally seeing what I missed with Claude’s clan. I’ll say this, you never forget your first house and I had a hell of a ride with Edelgard and company, but I am happy I’m seeing a new perspective with Claude. I even found a new favorite character with Hilda, who is clearly capable but loves to push her work off on others.

Still haven’t made the decision and feel conflicted? We got you covered in our guide about which house is right for you

For more on Fire Emblem: Three Houses, you can read our review or this recent piece on what Three Houses does well to make you care about its characters.  

Hope you’re enjoying the game!

Source: Game Informer

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