New games based on the Voltron and Turok licenses are coming to Steam later this month, following an indie-game contest last year put on by Universal Games and Digital Platforms. …
New games based on the Voltron and Turok licenses are coming to Steam later this month, following an indie-game contest last year put on by Universal Games and Digital Platforms. …
No Man’s Sky has certainly come a long way since its rocky launch, where players loudly shared their disappointment at the dearth of content in the original release. In the …
Cuphead, the rage-quit inducing side scroller, has recently delayed their new DLC but has a new show in the works with Netflix. The Cuphead Show! will be a “character-driven comedy” …
Arc System Works has a pretty good track record with anime adaptations and fighting games, but is still relatively unknown in the field of publishing them. It makes sense, then, …
Remember the Nintendo 64? It was Nintendo’s third home console, the successor to the Super NES, and their first system built for 3D polygonal gaming. While it wasn’t Nintendo’s most …
Breath of the Wild is a big game that happily revels in Zelda history and references, from things like islands named after characters from Phantom Hourglass to full-on architecture pieced …