Netflix announced this morning that DreamWorks Animation is working on Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, a new family animated series that takes place within the Jurassic World franchise. “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous follows a group …
Netflix announced this morning that DreamWorks Animation is working on Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, a new family animated series that takes place within the Jurassic World franchise. “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous follows a group …
In a financial report last month, THQ Nordic revealed that it currently has 80 games in development, 48 of which are unannounced. Now, during the buildup to E3, THQ will …
Early this week, Bungie teased it would be revealing “the next chapter of Destiny 2” on Thursday, but it appears fans don’t have to wait that long. Thanks to a …
Click here to watch embedded media The movie, based on the children’s book, which had a sequel in 2017, which was about a board game, that turned into a video …
Sony is readying a PS4 update which doubles the party size from eight to sixteen players, and which also adds a chat transcription feature. The transcription feature (available only in the U.S. …
Over ten years ago, a little freeware game titled Barkley’s Shut Up and Jam! Gaiden released, a purported shared side-story to the 1994 Genesis and SNES basketball game of the …