March Madness is in the air! No, not college basketball; we mean the madness of your backlog expanding due to new Xbox Game Pass titles, obviously. Far: Changing Tides launches …
March Madness is in the air! No, not college basketball; we mean the madness of your backlog expanding due to new Xbox Game Pass titles, obviously. Far: Changing Tides launches …
A recent update to the Nintendo Switch has brought a new feature called Missions and Rewards. While not quite achievements, these little tasks encourage Switch owners to use and explore the …
Young Souls was a rare Stadia timed-exclusive that launched last August and impressed us with its entertaining blend of beat-em-up combat and run-based dungeon crawling. Curious players on other platforms had to …
For any enthusiasts following Elden Ring’s entire development process, it can still be pretty easy to forget that George R.R. Martin lent his talent to the game’s central plot. From …
The GTA Trilogy sparked excitement when first announced last October. Slated to be a definitive edition of GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas, the Trilogy boasted Unreal Engine-amplified graphics …
Elden Ring is out and here to stay. And while all versions of the game are widely praised, Elden Ring’s success story on PC is awe-inspiring, with Steam numbers reaching …